Network Innovations: Career Posting
The Parts Driver is responsible for making local deliveries to our technicians at customer sites.
Keeping people connected anywhere on the planet is more than just our expertise – it’s our mission. Network Innovations is a technology and systems integrator that provides secure and seamless global communications solutions. Our customers conduct some of the most important work on the planet, whether it’s helping a remote island rise again after a hurricane, defending a country's borders, preventing a catastrophic power grid failure… you get the deal. What this means for our team is that we come to work each day knowing that it matters. We’re forward thinkers and problem solvers who thrive on challenges. Determination, integrity, humility, and respect are at our core. If you’re looking to grow with an organization that values collaboration, diversity, and learning, you’re in the right place.
Network Innovations is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We live our core values and look to them to drive business results and help our customers conduct some of the most important work on the planet. We believe a diverse global workforce allows us to create customer intimacy and sustained profitability. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, marital status, family status, disability, genetic characteristics. Whether you are starting your career or have decades of experience, we welcome you to join our mission to connect our world securely and seamlessly.
Accommodations during the application process are available upon request. While we appreciate all applicant submissions, only those considered to be most qualified will be contacted for further assessment.
Disclaimer Statement: This job description lists the essential functions of the position and is not intended to include every job duty and responsibility specific to a position. An employee may be required to perform other related duties not listed above provided that such duties are characteristic of that classification.